Remembering Peter Calamai, 2007 Fleming Medal Winner


RCIScience was sad to learn of the passing of Peter Calamai, 2007 Fleming Medal winner. Peter was recognized with this award for his contributions to public understanding of science in Canada as the National science writer for the Toronto Star. He was also noted for having a strong dedication to the idea that science journalists should develop an understanding of science in their readers by telling its exciting, controversial, and sometimes troubling stories. He worked tirelessly and passionately to tell those stories.

Peter was a founding organizer of both the Science Media Centre of Canada and the Science Writers and Communicators of Canada (SWCC). Both of these organizations are thriving, working to give science a strong presence in Canada's media, and ensuring that the information reported is as accurate and engaging as possible. Canadians benefit every day from the legacy that Peter helped to create. 

For more information on Peter's life:

Toronto Star obituary

History of SWCC